Did the circular walk from Steel Rigg, up onto Peel Crags, to the Sycamore tree.
Spent some time there waiting for folk to move on and for clouds to move on.
A ewe and two lambs obligingly walked through my shot and two jets put a cross in the sky above Sycamore Gap.
It was Father's Day and every one seemed to be out for the same walk as me. I carried on up onto Highshields Crag, a tour group had stopped for a break there, it's a good place to stop with great views over Crag Lough.
There was even a fisherman out on the Lough, first one I've seen this year!
Lingered a while taking photo's of the boats the headed off behind Hotbank Farm.
There's a new foal on the farm and he was determined I wasn't going to pass through the gate. He set his hind quarters and everytime I pushed the gate he pushed back, typical cheeky youngster.
Eventually I managed to persuade him to let me through, I paused to take a few shots of his mother against the landscape of the Wall and he nibbled at my backpack, much to the amusement of other walkers who were passing us by. Beautiful animal.
The track back to the car park runs parallel to the Wall and I was walking through fields of buttercups, literally a field of gold. 

Passing the Galloway cows, youngsters with the bull enjoyoing the sunshine. Quite recently a vet was killed by cows but she was walking with two dogs and the cow was protecting it's calf from the dogs.
It did say in a situation like that dogs on a lead will hide behind the owner so you should let the lead go so the dog can run off diverting the cow away from you.
Back to the car park and ready for a lunch, off to the Old Forge Tearoom at Greenhead where I enjoyed a bacon, brie and cranberry toasty with a nice cup of tea. Perfect way to end an afternoon out.
Catch you later.