Friday, 13 August 2010

Gilsland Show

A bit later than anticipated - I just don't know where time goes to these days.

It was a grand turn out for the Gilsland Agricultural Show, lots more people through the gate than last year. Plenty to see and do and, most importantly, the weather was kind.

There are Shows throughout the summer all along Hadrian's Wall with the biggest two the Cumbria show in Carlisle and the Northumberland Show at Corbridge. Both are a bit too commercialised and busy for me - I love these little local shows where the local farming community get together for a good old chin wag.

The sheep pens with rosettes proudly displayed.

Judging the Rams this end one was proper frisky and kept rying to jump the fence

And of course there has to be Cumberland Wrestling

Terrier racing which is always hilarious, the tan dog won because the others had a scrap

Vintage tractors and other engines that men like to tinker with

The Industrial Tent with the childrens entries

Swaledale tup - beautiful markings

My husband would love those horns for his stick dressing
The fleece is coloured, faces and horns oiled and they're brushed just like those pampered pooches at Crufts.

Lots of shows still to come so if you want a really good day out go along here are the places and dates

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Caught up at last

The last of my backlog of pictures.
Tomorrow will be pictures from Gilsland agricultural show that was held today and a grand day out it was too.
Although clouds gathered and looked black they passed over without any rain falling on the showground.
Still that's for tomorrow,today's offerings now.

Cuddys Crag March 2010 (grid ref: NY782686)

Cuddys Crag June 2010 ( grid ref: NY782686)

Steel Rigg May 2010 ( grid ref NY782686)

Housesteads Crag March 2010 (grid ref: NY784686)

Steel Rigg May 2010 (grid Ref: NY782686)

Cawfield Crags July 2010 ( grid ref: NY719667)

Walltown Crags July 2010 (grid ref: NY672662)

Winshields Crag July 2010 ( grid ref: NY743675)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Catch-up part 5

Nearly there just a few more photographs then I'm upto date.
By then I'd like to think it will have stopped raining so I can get out for a few sunrises.

Cuddys Crag June 2010 (grid ref: NY783686)

Cuddys Crag June 2010 (grid ref NY782686)

View to Housesteads July 2010 (grid ref:NY783682)

Kings Hill August 2010 (grid ref: NY795692)

Hotbank Crag June 2010 ( grid ref: NY774683)

Walltown Quarry July 2010 (grid ref: NY669659)

Friday, 6 August 2010

Playing Catch-up part4

Well I'm getting through the backlog, trying to mix them up so you don't get bored and fall asleep in your coffee.
It's still changeable weather here in Northumberland but Hadrian's Wall looks good whatever the weather.
Earlier in the year there was a dig at Birdoswald, to preserve archaeology and hopefully await advances in detection technology, only one site is given dig permission every ten years so it was quite a big thing.
It was the site of a Roman burial ground and once the dig was completed the land was ploughed, using a horse plough and sown with wildflower seeds.
I was there on Wednesday and it looks stunning, I used a slow speed to capture the movement of the flowers in the wind, with thoughts of ghostly Romans enjoying the flowers. So there are seven pictures today

Roman Burial Site at Birdoswald August 2010 (NY611659)

Crag Lough July 2010 (NY769680)

Pre-dawn at Cawfields May 2010 (NY669654)

View west from Hotbank Farm June 2010 (NY772682)

Kings Hill August 2010 (NY797692)

Kings Hill June 2010 (NY797692)

Walltown Crags June 2010 (NY675663)

If you click on the pictures you will be able to see a slightly larger version.
More later.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Playing catch-up part 3

Six more photographs, one of them taken this morning.

Forecast has, once again, headed towards rain - fortunately even with rain there have been bright spells through the day.

Of this batch of six photographs four of them were taken during the day, and on a couple of occasions I've met up with people who exclaimed with surprise to find me out and about with the camera in daylight hours.

I went off to Steel Rigg for sunrise this morning but it was shrouded in a bank of fog, I hung about hoping the rising sun would burn it off, 15 minutes after sun up and it was obvious this wasn't going to happen so I packed everything up and went to Caw Gap.

You can see the bank of fog hanging over Winshields Crag in my picture here, so I think I made the right decision to move when I did.

Caw Gap August 2010 (NY726668)

Crag Lough from Highshields Crag June 2010 (NY763678)

Rapishaw Gap June 2010 (NY780685)

Sycamore Gap June 2010 (NY761677)

Willowford Bridge June 2010 (NY621664)

Winshields Crag July 2010 (NY743675)

Well that's today's selection, another six to come tomorrow.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Catching up part 2

Day two of the catching up process, I've mixed the pictures up a bit today, they'd sorted themselves alphabetically in the file so Cawfield was heading the list.

It's been an eye opener for me, I've been moaning to TT that the weather has been awful since June, but the photographs prove that wasn't  true.

Of course, Hadrian's Wall looks wonderful whatever the weather and I admit I love the big dramatic stormy skies, as long as I can keep the lens rain free.
So ever onwards :

Cawfields Crag July 2010 (grid ref: NY706664)

Crag Lough in Gold May 2010 (grid ref: NY758677)

Mucklebank Crag and King Arthur's Well July 2010 (grid ref: NY680665)

Steel Rigg May 2010 (grid ref: NY752675)

Zig Zag tree near Black Carts June 2010 (grid Ref: NY880717)

Sycamore Gap at Sunset June 2010 ( grid ref: NY761677)

The grid reference should give you the point where I was standing to take the photograph or thereabouts and I hope it will be helpful to fellow photographers.

More tomorrow.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Playing catch-up

I've been thinking about the Blog, while Blipfoto is great, the one photo a day is limiting especially if I'm wanting to share a few of my Hadrian's Wall I hope you don't mind if I upload photographs here again.
There might not be a lot of text, perhaps just the name of the place photographed, but I'll try to keep it going despite the horrible weather we have at the moment.
All of this rain has given me time to go through my pictures since I last uploaded here and I thought I'd play catch-up and post 6 a day until I'm back up to date.
So here we go.

Sunrise at Caw Gap on Hadrian's Wall 15th June 2010

Sunrise at Cawfields 6th July 2010

Morning mist at Cawfields 22nd June 2010

Cawfields Quarry 15th June 2010

Sunrise at Cawfields 6th July 2010

Cawfields Quarry 22nd June 2010

More to come tomorrow.