Well it's coming to the end of April already, how quickly the time goes.
The weather has changed and we have rain here on Hadrian's Wall today, I didn't get out for any photographs, but the Scott Goodfellow, a traditional Blacksmith some more of his items to photograph. He makes some lovely things, I wish I had a nice heavy wooden door for one of his Ram's head knockers.
Last night I was out for my constitutional by Crag Lough, (NY770680) when I first moved here the boats were tethered in a very photogenic arrow formation but they used to knock together when it was stormy. The mooring blocks were moved and now they line up in an untidy way.
With a pair of wellies I could have waded out and 'arranged' them but I just can't walk far in wellies.
Alas Crag Lough is the only bit of water that is within 5 minutes reach of Hadrian's Wall, and there's nothing quite like light
reflecting in water for a photographer.

The Lough is fished by a consortium of fishermen, but it's not often that they're out in the boats, unless they fish by moonlight when I'm not there to see them.
On the odd occasion when there has been a fisherman there they do catch some fish, it's not a deep lake, one said it was hardly more than 6 foot deep which seems remarkable.
I wonder what ancient remains lie buried under the water, and has it changed much since Roman times?
The end nearest Sycamore Gap is a nature reserve and the swans nest there most years, very rarely venturing to within range of my camera., a couple of geese did fly overhead but they didn't land on the water for me.
The forecast isn't good for the rest of the week, mind you it's not often the forecast is right so hopefully they will be wrong on this occasion and we shall have perfect photography weather.
Catch you later.
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