Woke up this morning to a frosty landscape and some red light in the sky.

I know I'm a pensioner and carrying a couple of stone extra but I'm always out and about so you'd think I could go up and down these hills like a linty.
Still stopping to catch my breath gives me time to stop and take in the views, something I've noticed many of the groups of ramblers, using the Hadrian's Wall Path, fail to do.
Have you noticed people who walk in big groups just chatter all the time, you could do that over a cup of coffee :)
This morning it was a sheer joy to look south over Beggar Bog and watch the colours in the sky change.
Eventually my breathing got back to normal and I got up onto Cuddys Crag, for some strange reason there looked to be hardly any frost up there.
The sun rose I took some photographs and then the sun went behind the cloud, story of my life.
Still at least going back it's downhill.
Stopped for a chat to the ewe's from Bradley Farm, I remember Stuart telling me last year that they were getting a different breed, very like the Cheviot sheep to look at but prettier and these sheep were quite bonny.
Home in time for tea and toast and I think I got the best of the day with my early jaunt.
Hope you like the pictures.
Frosty Morning at Housesteads Crag
The view from Cuddys Crag
Rapishaw Gap and Cuddys Crag
Sewingshields Crag
Catch you later.
Fantastic blog and photos, love the colours keep up the good work,,.xxx