Monday, 25 January 2010

Light up the Wall

There are plans afoot to light up the length of Hadrian's Wall on the 13th of March 2010, a spectacular sight that I doubt will ever be repeated.
You can vounteer to be one of the illuminators, lighting the gas powered beacons,  and will get a certificate to say you took part.

I'd love to do that but I'll be out there with my camera hoping to get a good shot of the lights crawling across the undulating landscape of the high crags, no doubt rushing backwards and forwards in my usual way.

I've heard from my friends at Willowford Farm that bookings for the weekend of March the 13th are brisk so if you're thinking about coming up (or down) for the event please be quick.

It will also be wise to do a recce of the site beforehand.
The Military Road is very narrow, by modern day standards, with marshy verges so  you really can't just pull over to watch the event.
Car parks along the Wall will be busy and you will need to allow time for climbing up and down to viewpoints.
On my website I have a grid reference on each of the photographs, this should give you an idea of the best places to view from.
You'll need warm clothes ( it's always a couple of degrees colder up on the high bits and there's always a wind) and remember a torch, the ground is uneven and the rocks can be slippery if it's wet.

Please be aware that you will be crossing farm land and it will be lambing time so dogs should be kept on a lead at all times.

The view from Walltown Crags east, if it's clear you can see right the way to Winshields Crag and as the lights will be lit from east to west will see them coming towards you.
No doubt Alison will be opening the Cafe at Walltown Quarry so hot drinks will be available there, and there are toilets.

The view west from Sewingshields Crag, a much longer walk from Housesteads Fort car park but you have a view right along the line of Hadrian's Wall to Winshields Crag in the far distance.

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