Saturday, 20 February 2010

Hadrian's Wall awash with visitors

Thick fog in Gilsland on Friday, in fact we'd been shrouded in fog for a few days but on Friday I could see just a chink of blue sky.

I was getting stir crazy and needed a break from trying to capture my perfect shot of the Gretna Starlings, so I headed out to Steel Rigg.
The trees were just ghostly shapes in the mist and mine was the only car in the car park.
I thought about going up onto Winshields Crag, hoping to get above the fog but then thought I'd just go along and see how the Sycamore Tree was faring in the mist.

As I left Steel Rigg there was a glimmer of light, I paused to take a photograph as two walkers  came into frame, perfect timing.
Figures in the mist at Steel Rigg

Then Peel Crags started to clear a bit and that confirmed my decision to head east.
It's probably my least favourite climb up the stone steps of Peel Crags, I especially hate the very skinny steps two thirds of the way up (my big feet weren't made for skinny steps) then when you reach the top there's a ladder stile to get over, as if you had breath to spare!

Peel Crags
Once you're on the top it is worth the effort.

I stopped to take some photo's as yet more and more walkers came past, nice to see the weather hadn't deterred people.
Of course it was the half term break so a lot of folk were on holiday, some had been to other places like the Lakes or the Northumbrian Coast and had popped to Hadrian's Wall for the day.

Walking into the mist

Happy to report visitors were impressed and planned to return.

Blue skies above Peel Crags on Hadrian's Wall

Above Castle Nick  on Hadrian's Wall

By the time I got to the Sycamore Tree the fog had all but gone.
Sycamore Gap

 I had planned to go on the circular route past the back of Hotbank Crag, with a stop to capture Crag Lough wearing white ice but the sky ahead had taken on a slate grey hue and snow had been forecast.

Crag Lough and grey skies over Hotbank Crag

A caterpillar of people coming along the Wall
(Double click the picture to enlarge it slightly)

And if I'm honest my toes were giving me pain, I have arthritis and this week it's the toes turn to ache.
Still I had a nice walk, met some lovely people and got some photographs, what more could I ask?
Oh! and people are still standing on the Wall - don't do it, I get ever so cross with you!
Catch you later.

My best picture of the Gretna Starlings so far.

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