Now you may be forgiven for thinking there's only one fort on Hadrian's Wall worth visiting, that was certainly the impression I had.
All the publicity seems to be aimed at Housesteads but yesterday I went out to Chesters Fort, near Chollerford, primarily to see the museum I must admit.
But what a site, prime location, beautifully maintained, laid out with grass paths cut between the remains and first class display boards telling you exactly what you're looking at.
The star of the show has to be the Roman Bath house, right on the banks of the River Tyne and a stunning location, those Romans knew how to pick the best spot.
Chesters Fort is also much more user friendly for anyone with a disability, much flatter ground so wheelchair access is possible to most parts of the site. I was told they're working on making the museum easier to access too, at the moment it has steps.
I loved the museum so many large alters and stones, display cases with glass, pottery, tools and weapons all numbered with a book that explains what they are and where they were found. One or two of the pottery pieces looked very like some I made in my pottery class at schol - who'd be an archaeologist :)
Lots of families on the site which covers a vast area so the kids can run around and be noisy if they want without spoiling things for other visitors, each child is given a quiz paper and they were looking for the answers in the remains.
It's also a great spot for a picnic, there is a cafe though if you want a drink.
Yesterday it was very hot and the site is open so I was wishing I'd taken a sunhat - remember your suncream.
My conclusion is that Chesters Fort is a real gem of a place to visit and I'll be back.
It's an English Heritage site details here: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.13173
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