Well one thing in favour of sunsets is that you generally have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen when you set out, unlike a sunrise!
On Saturday we had a lovely day and as it was drawing to a close, I could see the potential for a nice sunset. I've bought a new sling pack camera bag, just big enough for my filters and it would be a good chance to try it out.
I checked the Hadrian's Wall webcams and noticed that the Walltown webcam was showing what looked like swans on the lake there. Thinking they would add something to a shot I had in mind I decided to make my destination Walltown.
I generally allow myself an hour and a half before the actual sun sets, as the light can be really beautiful as the sun gets lower in the sky.
Arrived at Walltown to find the swans determined to stick to the bit of the lake that was in shadow and, as I hadn't brought anything that resembled food, they couldn't be coaxed out to a brighter area.
I headed up the hill and onto the Hadrian's Wall Path, stopping at the hawthorn tree which is probably almost as often photographed as the famous sycamore tree.
Lovely light picking out the contours.
The wind was fierce and at one point I got blown over onto my back with the tripod on top of me. No harm done but I made sure not to go too near the edge of the crags.
As I was setting up a shot another photographer hove into view. He was dashing about full of the joy of this wonderful light and trying to capture as much of it as he could. He was staying in Carlisle for the weekend, so had to dash off back for dinner while I stayed on for the actual going down of the sun.
Walltown is a great place, lots of parking and easy access (if you're mobile) to some great bits of Wall, and the most spectacular views west to the Solway and Scotland.
Eventually the sun set with some fire in the sky to make it all worth while.
I have to admit knowing that I can 'pop' out to a great stretch of Hadrian's Wall on a whim makes me feel so lucky.
Hope you're enjoying this lovely weather.
Catch you later.
PS We found a walking pole at Cawfields Quarry a week or so ago. If it's yours please contact the NNPA Visitor Centre at Once Brewed and they'll give you my contact details.
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