Saturday morning and it looks promising, I load the car and head off to Hadrian's Wall.
Mists are swirling and at the turn for Walltown I can see across to Cawfields, not too much mist and a bit of colour in the sky.
I'm heading right along the Military Road to Sewingshields Crag, from Kings Hill you can get a nice view of Sewingshields and if there's colour to the west you can see the mists around Housesteads, Cuddys Crag and right on to Winshields Crag.
Stopped just before Housesteads to catch a photograph of the light over Beggar Bog,(NY788681) there's a stand of trees there that I like. Thick grey mist is drifting south like a cloud of smoke, knowing I have a 20 minute climb to Kings Hill (NY798693)I set off again but when I get to Moss Kennel that thick grey mist is covering the hill where I'd be standing.
Do I take a chance and hope it will clear?
That's the thing with mist it can clear in an instant or simply get more dense.
The sky is colouring up beautifully and I have to stop dithering.
I turn the car around and head back to Cawfields, in the car mirror I can see th

I take a shot of the light reflected in the water and then tink as I'm up anyway I might as well walk up Cawfield Crags (NY718667) a while.
I love the way Hadrians Wall twists and turns here, and the Wall itself is in remarkably good condition. I need to get to the point where you can see the progression of the hills, in parts that view is blocked by trees, but eventually I'm happy and in place, as the sun starts to appear.
This is a lovely spot and I enjoy the day waking up, the farmer from Shield in the Wall Farm is making his rounds on a quad bike, cows graze and the rooks caw. I stop to wipe the condensation

Looking forward to more the same.
Catch you later.
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