The climb up from Crag Lough to Hotbank is, to my mind one of the steepest on the Wall and, because it's not one of the paths that has been repaired with good stones to step on, it twists and turns.
I don't know about you, but when I'm out and about I look everywhere but where I'm putting my feet and of course I came a cropper. Because I was going uphill this time it was quite a gentle fall and I was soon back up on my feet.
Hotbank Crag (NY775684) doesn't get a lot of publicity, yet it's a lovely crag, (once you're up there) it's good to catch your breath and take in the views. To the east you have a lovely curvy Wall snaking across in front of you with distant views over Broomlea Lough and Sewingshields. At this time of the year the evening sun catches the south side of the Wall, lighting it up. I did take some photo's but it needs a good telephoto lens to exagerate the curves and the 17-55mm I was usuing on Saturday just didn't cut the mustard. That's one to show you another day.
The view to the west, into the setting sun, is just as spectacular, looking across Crag Lough and the crags that carry the Wall all the way to Winshields. Because there was no cloud at all the sun was a bit bright but I couldn't resist a shot.
I spent some time just enjoying the view, I know I've said this of many viewpoints but, this is one of my favourites.
Have you noticed how clouds seem to appear and disappear at the snap of a finger? I never assume anything and I headed back down to Crag Lough hoping some cloud would grace the sky giving a bit of colour. The lake was quite choppy and the golden light streaming across the water was lovely. I took several shots until the sun passed from view then I stood for a while just enjoying the peace of the evening.

I noticed a good number of swan feathers floating near the shore, I haven't seen the resident swans for some time now but hopefully the feathers are a sign that they are still around and moulting.
I've been doing some work to my website I'm aware that the viewpoints are the same throughout the seasons. While I do try to find new angles I have to admit I like the tried and tested spots the best. I suppose while the Wall itself is a constant the weather and the time of year add another layer to the scene.
Looking at the long range weather forecast that layer is thick grey cloud for the next week or so, gauling when the rest of the UK is having good weather.
Hope it's good where you are.
Catch you later....
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